Monday, October 25, 2010

And you clap when her hands are in the potty

I realize that the last post might have scared some of you and I want you to know that I am doing just fine.  The gigantic orange sunset confirmed it.  If you live in Hampton Roads, I am sure you all saw what was out my kitchen window this evening...a little glimpse of Heaven:

You always hear people say that you treat your children differently, but I have to say that I never really believed them until I mothered two very different children.  My first child I taught from a very early age (I am talking 6 months) what right and wrong was.  He fed himself a burrito from Moe's at one year, and at 18 months he knew what a time-out was.  And goodness, his hands would for sure NOT be in the potty, but it is absolutely acceptable to get dirty from head to toe, because after all, he is a boy and he needs to learn how not to be prissy.

Now, it is quite ironic that I just praised my 16 month old for pulling herself up to the potty and splashing her two little hands around in there...I mean, we've been waiting for this moment with bated breath....I'm also doing things like holding her down with one hand while I'm changing her diaper because I can't stop rejoicing over the fact that she FINALLY learned to roll over a few months ago.  I love watching her naked little butt squirm in the air....and of course my husband still goes and gets her at night when she cries because he's afraid she might not take another breath if we don't listen....

Note her cute little feet, size 2.


  1. Well it’s good you keep such a sparkling clean bathroom. ;) YAY for June!

  2. i cry every single time i read your blog. i love to see what you have to say... i love to see the photos next to each post! i just miss you all like crazy and wish we were close so we could share each of these milestones with you... and watch that amazing sunset! love you so much. xo

  3. But potties are such fun! :) Cute pics

  4. wow! I can't believe she's pulling up to standing! Who cares if it's a potty!!! :-) Plus I am sure yours is clean, unlike mine ;-)

  5. what a sweet baby girl. she (and you all) are so dear to us! xoxo!

  6. Way to go June! Getting stronger is good! Splashing is good! God is good!
