Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pink Wire Glasses

So June got her new glasses a few days ago.  I wish I could tell you that things are going well, she's making remarkable eye contact and she seems to be scrutinously picking up tiny little pieces of lint only to be seen by keen hawks swirling up above....

But unfortunately she's not. She's the same little sweet girl who we love and seems to be completely oblivious to the fact that she needs them. We put them on, she takes them off, we put them on, she takes them off and on and on this cycle goes until we get tired of trying, and she gets so frustrated that she whips her head back and forth, back and forth, back and forth like she's a rockstar. 

I admit it's tiring.  I can only report that she's probably worn them a total of 90 minutes since Monday. The second day she had them, they somehow managed to get a giant gash right through the middle of one of the lenses.  The other plastic blue glasses we had somehow seemed to be more "baby proof" which is what they claimed to be, however, who wants their eyelashes rubbing against plexi glass all day long?  This is why we chose to go with the new and improved (Fisher Price) pink wire rimmed glasses.  Who knew Fisher Price makes glasses too?  What else do they make?

So even though June isn't loving the glasses, she has become increasingly more social over the last week. (Hallelujah!) I often find her at my feet grabbing my legs because she wants me to pick her up, and she continues to look for my hands so she can grab them and we can go (fake) walking around the house.  She laughs the whole time like she can't believe she's doing it.  Tonight she let me rub her body as I sang to her while she was in her crib.  This is new for her and it makes me beam from ear to ear when I think of these precious moments with her!

So you might not see June with her new glasses on, but you might just see her with a smile and a twinkle in her eye, and for that I am truly grateful. 

In her favorite drawer

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


So it's January and this is the time I usually feel a bit depressed.  For some reason it hasn't happened this year.  Maybe I haven't had time, maybe the vitamin D and B-12 I'm holding under my tongue is having a positive effect on my serotonin levels, or maybe I just feel completely loved and cared for by so many of my friends and family...and of course, by God.

I can't lie though, I've had some hard days.  Last week alone I had five doctor appointments, five days in a row, along with three therapy appointments back to back.  The last appointment was an overnight hospital stay with a sleep study to see how June's CPAP mask for her sleep apnea would work.  All seems to be well and we are now just waiting for the machine so we can hook her up and give it a try at home.  Praying that she keeps the mask on her face all night, every night so she'll be more energetic during the day.  It's really up to her.  Do you know any babies that keep masks on at night?

June's glasses prescription has also changed.  Back in October she started yanking her glasses off, as if to say, "I don't need these annoying things anymore."  Her opthamologist  said the prescription change was significant enough that she would have ripped them off for sure. My therapist also suggested that maybe we change her frame style because they were sitting close to her face. I popped the lenses out and tried them on her. Sure enough. Her beautiful long lashes were sticking out from the frame at least a centimeter. Imagine that every time you blink your lashes hit an invisible wall.  Obnoxious. I changed them to the only other option.  Traditional Pink Wire (boring). We'll see how she does when she gets them this week.

It's been one of those months where June is making incredible progress.  Just yesterday she responded to a command for the first time ever.  She was about to slide down the stairs head first and I said, "Turn around!" and she stopped, looked up, smiled, turned around, and went down the stairs (2 steps) the correct way.  Yay!  And just yesterday, she was eating and she signed the word "more" for the first time ever...and has continued to with things she really likes.  She's also been cruising all over the place and even sitting for a little while on her own...which has been a milestone we've been eagerly awaiting!

Thanks again for even reading this.
I know you have laundry to fold.

Oh-and pictured below is June with her Papi (my dad). My therapist gave us these glasses that light up.  They really promote some great eye contact!