And then the day continued...I firmed up summer therapy plans for my 6 year old over the phone, met some friends at Chick-fil-a for lunch, filled our bellies with goodness and drove home, taking sips of coffee and filtered water all day long. I went to the grocery store and picked up some staples, zipped over to get my 8 year old from his very expensive private school and then ran back home to throw together salmon, rice, kale and strawberry salad and shortcake.
And then it hit me like a ton of bricks.
Somehow, I am privileged. I am the lucky one at the front of the line.
SOMEHOW-while my children are gorging themselves on strawberries and cream,
there are children aound the world
DYING of starvation

And this weekend when my sump pump and hot water suddenly bit the dust, and my kids were screaming in pain with the fire of strep....SOMEHOW, I was the lucky one who got to go to the doctor and get this amazing bubble gum medicine that cures. SOMEHOW, I was able to make it through an agonizing 24 hours without hot water while there are still 1 in 10 people in the world who can't even find a single drop of clean drinking water.
And how did I become so lucky that I get to drive around in a mini van all day
with the 7% of people in the world who actually own a car?
Making phone calls and pulling out plastic money-
Buying things off of Amazon Prime and getting them delivered to my door in 2 hours--
I'm not going to lie.
This is the hardest job I've ever had.
I'm kind of forever and around-the-clock in charge, wiping every sniffle, butt and spill.
Guarding every word, managing every expectation, dream and never tuning out or fully turning in.
Carefully timing ipad obsessions, time-outs and minutes to bed time and moments til wake time.
But today I feel unbelievably blessed.
And I surely don't deserve all this I know.
Thank you God.
We are convinced of your goodness.
We are convinced of our need to give.
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