Friday, June 23, 2017

4 messes

We sat down for dinner tonight-a little too late- and all together for the first time in what seems like ages.  Maybe I've planned Summer that way so I don't ever have to sit down, so we never have down- time, so I never have the deal with the messes.  I can't really be sure.

About two minutes in, the milk goes flying and my 5 year old announces,
 "Well there's the 4th mess of the day: Sloppy, Poopy, Poopy and Milky!"

"Clever" I thought.  I counted them myself.  Was she keeping track? It's like she knew before I even counted them.  Are all my kids keeping track of the messes that happen all day long?

Did you know that just two teaspoons of water beads makes about  565,089,789 full-grown water beads?  I knew this, but let my kids make a dish pan of them anyway.  And since June eats about 20 of them a week, I am pretty sure she tricked us into paying attention to her mouth so she could quickly swipe the dish pan and turn the entire thing upside-down.

I cannot even tell you what that looked like-watching it flip upside-down in almost slow motion. I nearly froze watching the little perfect jello beads boing effortlessly across the floor and land in baskets and shoes and nooks that I never realized I had.  I didn't breathe.  Or move.  Just watched.  And then when it was all over I wanted to cry.  But I didn't.   I trudged on because I am the Mom.  I rounded the troops and gathered the brooms.  You can sort of sweep them, but they are jumpy little devils so you end up picking up most of them one-by-one-by-one.  45 minutes later-

I will spare you the two poo stories.

And then my 9 year old spilled his milk.

I barely

b l i n k e d.

And that was my afternoon and evening after the CAMP.  Which was amazing.  We were the last campers left, watching every single last move the magician made, because I knew when we headed back to the house, messes were likely.

And so begins my Summer as Camp Director at my house.  Love to all you Mamas out there who are doing the same thing at your house this Summer.  Love to all you Mamas who are working your tail off at a job outside of your home while someone else directs Summer.

Trying to embrace it.

Not gonna lie.  It's a bit messy.  My house gets messy.  The bathrooms are extra messy.  I am positive I scream more.  There's always a mess in the sink, a mess in her pants, a mess in my mind and a huge mess in the big boy's room.  Hoping my heart can handle all Summer brings.  God bless this mess.