Like she knew exactly what was coming. As if to say, "Yellow bus, where have you been for the entire summer?"
And here she is with her cute outfit and same-old, same-old backpack and matching lunch box for the third year in a row....because I am one of those Moms who refuses to buy a new backpack every year. Or maybe I should say, I GREATLY resist the temptation to buy a new backpack, because when Pottery Barn Kids and Hanna and Garnet Hill Kids catalogs shows up on my doorstep, I can assure you June and I pick out a new backpack in our heads.
Every year.
And so June got on the bus with great ease and I about cried because her bus driver and the attendant were so nice and she had her own little princess seat while her wheel-chaired fan club in the background sort of smiled and nodded sweet and gentle gestures her way.
So we quickly sent off big brother James and got Char out of this ridiculous white onesie (which she always seems to be wearing every morning lately) and were on our way following June's bus to school. And of course we passed a thousand buses and Char assured me that June was on every single one.
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James, First Grader this year, Charlotte, pre-school 2 days a week. NOT in that outfit. |
And we arrived at Crossroads Elementary (K-8 in case you were wondering) and my friend Kat said, "It looks like a big school for a very little bug..."
The word Crossroads means: a point at which a crucial decision must be made that will have far-reaching consequences. |
And yes, it was BIG, but to me, it looked like sunshine, and fun, and everything wonderful and academic tightly wound in a colorful candy wrapper. And I watched her get off the bus, walk her way to her classroom confidently, with her precious teacher and two attendants, and I secretly rejoiced because I felt like June was the lucky one this year. Or maybe she was placed here, in this school, with these teachers by the Almighty Loving God of the Universe.
She is going to LOVE it here.
Seven new friends |
But first...these lines on the carpet. |
This chart below pretty much sums it up. Yay! for happy days. If somebody can tell me what "try harder" means in a room where most of the kids are disabled, let me know. ;) I have my theories...
Happy First Day Friends!!
And now on to other things...Like potty training this joyous firecracker as she potty trains her doll. Mercy.
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