Today my baby girl turns two years old. And yes...we still call her "baby girl". My husband says he'll call her baby girl until the day he dies. It is a bittersweet day. Iva June has been making slow progress... but last night I saw a neurotypical two year old (again). I see them daily, sometimes hourly. You know what I was thinking when she was prancing around the house in her twirly little getup, having cute little conversations and giggling with all the adults.
Things aren't getting easier.
Today also marks the day for another glorious event. I have finally come to the full recognition that, at 35, my metabolism has slowed down (or completely stopped). I'm annoyed because I've been going to bed hungry for two weeks and this morning I jumped on the scale only to find that I had gained 4 pounds from just yesterday. Marvelous. Already took another vigorous walk and I'm definitely guzzling a gallon of water. Maybe I'm eating too much salt.
This afternoon, I'm sure we'll celebrate by splashing around the kiddie pool (like we always do), even though my son has a mysterious fever of 102 (still). June recently received this
papillon from her Grandma for her birthday. She uses it in the tub or the pool and absolutely loves it. I'd highly recommend it:
The best part of my day is yet to happen. My mom is arriving on a train at 6:40 pm this evening. My three year old son is the most excited. What toddler doesn't want to pick up his Marmelade from a train station? It will be the biggest event of the day. Don't you just love your mom?
So, Happy Birthday to my sweet little Iva June! You have filled our lives with sunshine and joy in the most unexpected ways. You continue to surprise us with your recent "big girl" tricks (like, last month, when I found you had climbed up on top of our kitchen table...and your recent sippy cup proficiency). When you wrap your little arms around my ankles for a hug, I just want to melt. When you cry, I want to hold you and tell you that you can stay little forever. And, the smile of delight that comes from the depth of your soul, is so telling of the future you will have. Bright and cheery, ordained by God. I love you.
Birthday princess outfit from Grandma Carolyn |