Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pink push buggy

Just yesterday we were at playgroup and the hosts surprised all the toddlers with a little post Easter egg hunt outside. I mean, amazingly they had at least 7 Easter baskets on hand and when we needed just one more, they went in the back and pulled another one out of (God knows where).  I found this hilarious because I pictured the egg hunt at my house and I'd be emptying out containers, flower pots and fruit bowls trying to give small children Easter basket hope.  Aside from this, the bunny hop was completed in about 7.5 seconds.  Then the kids sat around sneaking jelly beans and we oohed and aahed over the neighbor's cool yard.

Miss Iva June started wiggling around at this point and thrashing backwards (as she usually does).  She clearly wanted to get on the ground like the other I let her (against my true wishes).  I watched that little girl try to put her feet up in a V-position so that she could try to "walk". She became instantly frustrated and started crying...something she's been doing more of lately.  My heart saddened as I knew she wanted to join in all the bunny fun, but physically couldn't.  As she crawled around the yard, my sweet friend Mandy kept pointing out that she was eating leaves, pods and dirt again....dirt was everywhere....on my face, down my neck, and therefore down my shirt.  June had dirt all in and around her mouth.  See, this is what happens when I let her crawl around the earth.  It's a love-hate relationship, this dirt.

On the way home, we got sidetracked at another friend's house and I just happened to take June out of the stroller and let her ride in a little tikes car that was abandoned because it was "too easy" for all the other kids.  It was perfect for June. She smiled while she was riding and finally cried when it was time to go.  Her little hands gripped the steering wheel like she was a race car driver.  She sat up super-straight, as if to boast that she is a big girl now. 

As I dragged both kids home, my mind started reeling.  I HAD to get her that little tikes car.  So, after I put the kids to bed for a nap, I was on the internet, feverishly searching for a good deal on a push around buggy.  Found one on Amazon. It wasn't going to get here fast enough. I needed one for like, when she woke up from her nap.  Found one on Craig's List. Pink. Perfect.  Drove to the house after dinner and now I have one happy little girl who can actually do something when she's outside. 
So, this is what we did all day:


  1. since we no longer see you guys at bible study i am enjoying your blog. glad she has a toy she can use outside like the other children. she is so sweet katie!

  2. I love this photo of her! You are one amazing Momma and woman Kate! Your blog is so encouraging to me.

  3. June is getting soooooo big!!! She's going to be such a beautiful young woman when she's older! I love the fact that no matter how hard you try you always give into her adorable, innocent, little face! I miss you guys soooo much! come visit sometime soon!!
