Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pink Wire Glasses

So June got her new glasses a few days ago.  I wish I could tell you that things are going well, she's making remarkable eye contact and she seems to be scrutinously picking up tiny little pieces of lint only to be seen by keen hawks swirling up above....

But unfortunately she's not. She's the same little sweet girl who we love and seems to be completely oblivious to the fact that she needs them. We put them on, she takes them off, we put them on, she takes them off and on and on this cycle goes until we get tired of trying, and she gets so frustrated that she whips her head back and forth, back and forth, back and forth like she's a rockstar. 

I admit it's tiring.  I can only report that she's probably worn them a total of 90 minutes since Monday. The second day she had them, they somehow managed to get a giant gash right through the middle of one of the lenses.  The other plastic blue glasses we had somehow seemed to be more "baby proof" which is what they claimed to be, however, who wants their eyelashes rubbing against plexi glass all day long?  This is why we chose to go with the new and improved (Fisher Price) pink wire rimmed glasses.  Who knew Fisher Price makes glasses too?  What else do they make?

So even though June isn't loving the glasses, she has become increasingly more social over the last week. (Hallelujah!) I often find her at my feet grabbing my legs because she wants me to pick her up, and she continues to look for my hands so she can grab them and we can go (fake) walking around the house.  She laughs the whole time like she can't believe she's doing it.  Tonight she let me rub her body as I sang to her while she was in her crib.  This is new for her and it makes me beam from ear to ear when I think of these precious moments with her!

So you might not see June with her new glasses on, but you might just see her with a smile and a twinkle in her eye, and for that I am truly grateful. 

In her favorite drawer


  1. Love her smile & twinkling eyes! As for the glasses, if they are working at some point she will stop taking them off. I remember how Noah used to take his "ear" off all the time then one day a firetruck was going by & I am pretty sure that was the first time he put it back on himself! Awesome that she's getting more engaging with you!! Kiss that cutie for me!

  2. i'm crying... of course. i love that sweet little girl. i am so glad you keep us updated this way... i cannot wait until i get to see you all again. love you. love you. love you. i am excited for the 4th! :) <3

  3. oh i love that hand reaching up for yours! and the thought of her pulling at your pants leg wanting to be held. God is good in all the little ways. And all the big ways. Love you!
