Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Stooping Low

I found out at least TWO amazing things today.  The first one is this. The city of Norfolk NOW allows a person to raise chickens in his/her yard with a permit.  This information was received from a VERY reputable source and I can assure you that she does not lie.  How very very very exciting! All these city chickens roaming around is gonna put Fresh Market out of business.  I am positive that I will join the citizens collecting eggs from the back corners of their yards as soon as my handy hubby builds me a cool coop.  I CANNOT, however, guarantee that he will not move into the coop instead of the chickens...thus, his obsession with tiny houses continues. 

And the second piece of news is this.

My friend came over to my house today. My friend's husband JUST HAPPENS to work at June's school.  This husband JUST HAPPENED to be in the same area as June today because it was picture day, and he just HAPPENED to see June- Bug waiting near the picture line on the floor, probably wildly stimming, chewing on the plastic comb they give you, and messing up her perfectly smooth hair and adorable peach and white polka dot blouse. 

Well, THIS HUSBAND reported some VERY shocking news. 


was on the GROUND playing with JUNE BUG!

THE PRINCIPAL (YES, I SAID THE PRINCIPAL!) who has 1,000 students to look after and, who consequently must make 2,000 parents happy was on the floor exchanging giggles with my daughter!

I cannot believe it.

Was he sure he saw the right woman?

I have been believing all along that this school was a good fit for my little MD (multi-disabled) Kindergartener, but that information, right there just sealed the deal.

So, even though I don't personally know you, THANK YOU Ms. Nichols.  Thank you for coming away from your desk, leaving the piles of papers and files, cyber-files, parental concerns, big computer and shiny phone, and taking time to sit on the GROUND with my June Bug.  Thank you for INVESTING in the child who will never score well on any written test, or make you proud with her academic or creative achievements.  THANK YOU for reaching out and reaching low, so low that you had to sit down on the ground to go out of your way to make my child feel special today.  THANK YOU for loving her just because...
even when you think nobody is watching.