Favorite spot for both |
It's 5:00 am and I can't sleep. Maybe it's the snoring of the breathing child next to me, held tightly in my husband's arms, or the constant ongoing, swirling of thoughts all clashing in my brain, or maybe the allergies because I can't take all-powerful allegra and flonase right now, although I sneak it every once in a while. I've been wondering...how are we going to fit another human being in this bed at night, in this house? Will June ever be able to make it through the night without being awakened by her apnea? These are questions only God knows the answer to, so I will wait and continue to take one day at a time while my belly makes plans and gets larger by the hour.
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Designing |
Today was a fun family Saturday. The kind where we were supposed to do something akin to drudgery, but it turns out that the event got postponed, so we were able to, for once this week, be all under the same roof and be all harvesty about it. After a leisurely breakfast of scones (thanks to my friend Bernadette) and eggs, and then a little cleaning and tidying, the boys set off to design their jack-o-lanterns. You would have thought we were going to Busch Gardens by the shriek that came out of James.
Ben gets ideas from the book, Play With Your Food |
Guts were removed. Slime was explored. We even found a pumpkin seed trying to spring new life inside the pumpkin already. How very ironic. Seeds were removed from pulp and pulp was removed from seeds, and then, attempted seed toasting occurred. All in all, everyone was happy with their product.
And now it was off to the church Harvest Festival where James refused to wear his dragon costume, so he had to be a non-scary skeleton (thanks to Marmelade) instead. Can you wear a skeleton costume in church? I wasn't so sure. I don't have a picture of it.
The defeated dragon wishing he were out of his costume. | |
June ready for "vall vestible" as James has been calling it. |