Today was a breakthrough. June is 27 months and we have been working on transitioning from bottle to cup for at least a year. In the process, there have been many tears, shaking of the head, spilled milk, frustration and GAS. Yes, gas. June writhes, wriggles, squirms and contorts her body in strange positions until all gas is relieved after every drink. No amount of prevacid helps. I will say Dr Brown's bottles have miraculously improved her condition, but since we moved on to a soft spout sippy, she seems to be in even more turmoil. This morning we tried to feed her milk in 4 different cups to try to alleviate gas...with no luck. I was practically crying with her this morning and at the same time, calling out to God that we need help!
This afternoon I pulled out the straw cup just one more time to give it a try. To my disbelief, she actually pulled milk out of the straw, looked up at me and smiled (with all milk falling out of her mouth), but she did it! And she was so proud of herself. We clapped every time she took a drag and she giggled like she was putting on a show.
Happy girl |
(ignore the trucks) |
The second blessing we received was in the form of a box. A textured carousel busy box to be precise (
more info). At a neurological visit one day, I thumbed through an
Enabling Devices magazine and came across this toy and just knew June would LOVE it. I knew it was too expensive to take a chance on, so I mentioned it to Early Intervention and they agreed to buy it for us! It came today with June's therapist and she has been overjoyed to say the least. James was equally thrilled. Take a peak and ignore the whining:
You can't see it very well, but it is a six sided textured box, and each easy-to-press panel produces a different sound or motion including, music, lights, vibrating, bubble popping and horn blowing (my obvious least favorite). I know you want one now. Kids and adults of all ages are attracted to it!