Just one more test. It seems that there's always something else they can test our precious princess for, so we find ourselves at CHKD (Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters) yet again. This time, thankfully, no pain, just a long, annoying process. 18 hours to be exact.
I was fairly anxious about this procedure to begin with, but the day before, the nice lady on the phone reassured me that they'd do their best to keep Iva June comfortable. They held up their end of the bargain, however, did they forget that we have a CRAWLER on our hands here? Prep needs to happen the hour before, not 5 hours before....
Regardless, we arrived and I was relieved to see them strap her to a board. I asked the nurse if we could keep her there all night. She looked at me like I was nuts. She was really quite happy and snug as a bug during this part...

Then they began the process of measuring, marking and gluing 25 probes to her head. She was still pretty happy and only started squirming at the very end....
All wrapped up with a sock cap on and Rapunzel's ponytail, they asked me to pick out a "backpack" to put all the wires in. I'm thinking, "Are you kidding me? You think she's gonna wear a backpack for 4 hours? " I picked out the blue monster because it was the most colorful. Little did I know she would never see it:

So they moved us to another room which was filled with big computer devices, a bed, and all sorts of wires and contraptions that I was supposed to keep her away from. I ordered a "toddler tray" for dinner just to have something to do with her. Nothing she could eat there. Perfect. Chicken strip snacks for me. Oh-one more thing before the nurses left. They needed to "plug her in". So now she has a long wire tail. So, here I am, following a toddler around a filthy room making sure she doesn't eat her tail or pull her stocking cap or probes off of her head. I start moving furniture to blockade various parts of the room and goodness, we need a crib. Do they really think she can sleep in a bed? How many hours before my husband gets here?
My gracious husband volunteered to sleep through the night with her. He told me the rest of the story...they glued more probes all over her body and put a mouth/nose piece in. She finally got to sleep at 9 pm and at 3:30 am she had "had" it and was thrashing about trying to get it all off of her. At around 5:00 am they removed some of the glue with nail polish remover and sent her home around 6:00 am.
Poor little June....she arrived in a very tired, confused, almost panicked state, still covered with hard glue all over her body and matted hair. She fell asleep on her Daddy's chest (her favorite spot). She's pepped right up after a three hour nap, but we're still trying to get that glue out....any suggestions?