Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jammy time

I'm typing with one hand.  If I'm ever going to post again, I better get used to it, because the only moments I have to myself are while my daughter is nursing.  Charlotte Rose-Marie came to grace our lives with her presence about six weeks ago and she is every bit as perfect as I had imagined.  The second week of her life she rotated 180 degrees on our bed, and I knew I had a fighter.  She was over 11 pounds at her one month check-up.  I'm praising God for all these little things that I took for granted with my first child.

My husband took the kids to his parents' home this weekend, and I stayed home so I could "get some rest", "get some things done".  Well, you know how that goes with a newborn....At least the toys are staying exactly where I put them, and I am sleeping every time Char does.

I went out to dinner last night with a friend.  Charlotte screamed the entire time.  Fortunately, it was a loud restaurant anyway.  On the way home, I stopped to get gas and somehow managed to pour gasoline all down the entire right side of my body.  Baby was screaming in the car and I sort of just stood there and waited for some of the residue to evaporate off of me, all the time wondering how I was going to drive home without poisoning my baby with toxic fumes.  I dabbed at my body with exactly two wet wipes, closed the door, rolled down the windows, and drove as fast as I could. Got home at 9:15 pm only to find I had locked myself out of the house.  I left Charlotte screaming on the porch while I called my husband who instructed me to "go get the ladder and crawl through a window".  I obeyed dutifully, but it was truly an out of body experience for me. I was watching myself scale the heights of my house while I luckily pried open the screen, then window.  Then, sort of jumping (in flip-flops), managed to teeter on the edge of the sill and plop-landed in a heap on the floor.  It never felt so good to sleep in my own bed.

My husband texted me a half-hour later to remind me to put the ladder back near the shed.  I just laughed because what woman in her right mind would leave a ladder propped up against the house to invite all weirdos in?  Thanks, honey.  I know you're looking out for me.

On the more "normal" nights, this is what we're up to after bath time:


  1. Oh my goodness!!!!!! No wonder you werent able to call me back the other night!!!!!!! Wow!!!! Beautiful photos!!! I love love seeing new ones. Char already has changed... Love you all. Miss you like crazy.

  2. ugh. this made me happy. then sad. i miss you!
