Sunday, June 19, 2011

June revealed

Just yesterday we brought Iva June for her two year old pictures with our friends Scott and Adina of Hayne Photographers.  It was quite evident during the photo shoot that we weren't going to get a "normal" toddler picture.  No sitting in pretty buckets draped with textured blankets, no standing and smiling on the tree stump, no looking into the camera lens, no looking at smiling faces, no smiling at smiling faces either.  There were just two things she really wanted to do at the studio.  Chase the fan AND (obviously) chase the cord belonging to the fan, and pull on the very funny long floor lamp, which Adina so graciously let June destroy during the photo session.  It will be a miracle if Scott can show us anything cute, but I'm sure he'll do it because he always does. 

So all that to say that my daughter is feeling more and more autistic lately.  I've been deleting all the pictures where she is flapping her hands, shaking her head violently, and crossing her eyes, but I realized just today that these things are exactly what makes my daughter unique and special, and I shouldn't just delete them.  Today we were at church and she got upset about something and started throwing her head back and forth and knocked my head so hard that it sent shivers down my neck. I'm realizing that people are now viewing her differently and I'm going to have to start getting creative...Up until this point, I've posted cute pictures and videos of June, but today, I'm going to let you see a little but of June that I really don't want you to see:

I'll post again when I get cute pictures from Scott. Until then, please pray for little miss June who is, again having a hard time sleeping, and is also starting to get very frustrated because she cannot communicate her needs/wants to us very well.  I never thought I'd thank God for a baby's cry, but aside from the few sounds she makes, that's her only way to tell us that something is wrong. Thanks for reading, for loving us....

My favorite pose these days


  1. my favorite niece! i love this munchkin! geez, she sure is so beautiful to me. she pops in my head all the time. something is on the way to her (in the mail)..... i love you all!

  2. She has such a perfect smile!! I'll continue to pray for you all!
